Monday, June 26, 2023

T stands for Missing in Action....


I have been missing in action for most of the Month of June for the T party... I'll blame it on the obscene HOT temperatures.... that have me just a little down i think... very welcomed but unexpected visitors for a week .... and just a general malaise... I also turned 56... officially closer to 60 than 50... i KNOW its just a number... but still.... anyway...So i'm trying to drag myself out of the doldrums...  Remember the above mug  i showed you awhile ago??  Well i took that picture in the store 'Tuesday Morning'. I didn't buy it at the time. Then the other day i go by that store and it is Going Out of Business ... so i go inside to check out the deals and there it was sitting on a practically empty shelf . So it came home with me... 

We've been having very ferocious storms lately.. nearly every afternoon... I took the above photo just before 70 mph winds and hail were expected because i was sure they would be gone.. But i'm happy to report they are still there , standing taller than i'am blooming their heads off... I know its just a weed and not as beautiful as the cultivated varieties but they never fail to make me smile in this harsh environment... My Tparty Anniversary Swap has been sent and i've received mine from Nancy. I'm so looking forward to sharing.. I know Ms Elizabeth is under the weather. I hope she is up to hosting and visiting for T... I'll be around to visit.. Hugs! deb 

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

T stands for working on the Anniversary Swap....


Happy T Day to everyone! I'll be around to visit! 

                                                  Hugs! deb