Tuesday, January 25, 2022



This is where i spend my mornings  .... in the new house.. Imagine a cup of coffee sitting there too.... decaff these days... Which i've gotten quite used to... This is where i write my blog posts ~ do a little sketching ~ try out a new origami ~ lose myself in Pinterest ~ get sucked up into YouTube videos like : The Great Canadian Baking Show..., Portrait Artist of the Year series...., Landscape Artist of the Year series..., The artistic teachings of Ginger Cook..., the adventures of Nanny and the Moose.... lol   All over a cup or two of coffee.... My built in chef hubby will bring me egg whites with spinach and mushrooms with a little salsa on top.... yes. I. am. spoiled.... 

Do you have a special place in the mornings you like to be?  My grandmother used to get up at 5 am to have a cup of coffee and time to herself... The rest of the day she was always waiting on someone or helping someone ... baking .. cooking..cleaning..  etc.. but mornings were hers...I'd often wake up and hear her outside watering her flowers in the early morning light... And if you were really quiet and you came upon her as she sat in the early morning darkness you would catch her talking to herself in a whisper... she always said it was alright as long as she didn't answer herself...lol  See the picture on the wall?   My brother in law painted that back in the 80's.  We just love it and drag it around everywhere we move. It always seems to find a home on the wall.. I hope your having a great week!  I'm testing out new text colors and fonts... if you like one better than another... easier to read etc... let me know! Hugs! deb

Monday, January 24, 2022

 Baking Cookies for my Sweety

Always bake cookies for my Sweety...... Baking with a 3 year old?  Haven't done that in 
30 years!  I noticed a new level of patience in me as a grandparent that wasn't there as a parent. Maybe because i'm not holding down a full time job AND baking with a 3yr old.
I think as a parent it was more, "OK let's get this done so i can check it off the list... Don't make a huge mess so i have to spend time to clean it up... let's just get through the dough..." And NOW as a Grandma it more "ALRIGHT let's have FUN!!!!" And i can't help but wish it was more about the fun when my daughter was little.  Oh we still had fun but it wasn't my main objective if you know what i mean. And my granddaughter and i we had FUN even if she did eat more decorations than she made cookies.. LOL ! Never forget it supposed to be FUN!

Trying to get the blog going again.... trying it on for size.. see how it fits... Lots has changed on Blogger so still finding my way around. That Header picture is really really big.. I'd like to make it smaller but haven't figured that out...  First i guess is lets see if i can make blogging a habit again.. :)  See you soon!.......... i hope Hugs! deb