..... crazy about bees! Believe it or not i found this sign at the entrance to my bank. You know i LOVED it.. :)
Hubby has been working on a project for me!!! To help me store my craft paints. They will hang on the wall most of the time but can be taken off the wall and set on a table.. My daughter has found some ceramic bees at Target that i can put around them... Yes they are feeding my obsession... lol
They have all been handed over to me to stain. There are 6 total... Do i have that much paint? Well.... almost.. there will be some empty holes to fill...lol How nice it will be not to have to dig around for the color i want!
Just a few more to go!
Starbucks offered me a half price cold drink and i couldn't say no.. This is a Pineapple/Passion fruit frozen lemonade for Elizabeth's T Party... and it was Yum! First cold drink i've had from Starbucks. I always get my caramel macchiato coffee there on special occasions..
Still hot here and dry... cutting down some Sunflowers this week... they are just past there 'sell by date' and looking a little rough...They grew in a place i cannot easily water. Hugs! deb