Saturday, January 18, 2025

Waiting for the Deep Freeze.....


......Well that picture turned out kinda dark... sorry about that... but i hope you can make out my new coffee cup!! I know i know i always say i'm not buying any more... but then i ran into this one... now i don't have that many plants . As you can see from the photo i don't have alot of light in my house... Its designed that way to help mitigate the HOT Texas sun in the Summer... to help my electric bill... But if i could i WOULD be a Crazy plant lady and if truth be told if hubby wasn't allergic i would probably be a Crazy Cat Lady 

Look!!! I spent a wonderful afternoon and colored the beans! I used watercolor markers. I'm thinking of changing the name to Magic Beans and maybe put it on the back of tshirt.... I have a family member that could do that for me... I plan on painting this on a small canvas and then using that for the tshirt image... Also plan on glitter on the beans.. you know for the magic part... Do you like the spirals?  

Amaryllis are still going strong... 'Red Lion' is just opening up its last bloom... Look! i had to put rocks in the pots to stop them from tipping over.. Definitely going to be on the look out for heavier pots... Arabian Nights from last year finally died back...  the bulb seems nice and firm so i put it in the closet and will forget about it for 3 months then pull it out and water it and see what happens... cross your fingers... 

You might remember the Red Yucca plants i started from seed last Spring... Well i didn't get them in the ground in time before the first freeze so now i'am stuck taking care of them all Winter... In and out, In and out... Out on nice days and In on the freezing nights... I won't make that mistake again... Its a pain... But i'm so excited i actually grew them from seed and they lived...We have a freezing week ahead of us... Hopefully they can handle my dark house for a week... No precipitation expected for us.. and honestly we are dry , we could use some water in whatever form... Stay safe and warm everyone in this deep freeze... Thank you to everyone who stops by and takes time to leave a comment... much much appreciated, makes my day!... Hugs! deb

Friday, January 10, 2025

Amaryllis and Ice.....


        Ice has come and stayed a day..... I'm so glad we ventured out into that Winter Wonderland... 

The roads were lovely and not slick at all but anything up off the ground was covered in ice and slowly melting... 

As we were out an about a great chunk of ice hit the car next to me and we were like where did that come from? A quick look up and we saw that chunks of ice were melting and falling from the over head power lines... that we parked under!!!!  I was lucky.. i think that would have hurt!!! 😲

My poor Viola or Johnny Jump Ups were literally coated in ice.. I thought they were goners.... but nope the ice melted  and they looked fine... like Ice? what ice?  .... 

And lastly an update on Amaryllis..... Thats StarGazer in the front and finally Glee in the back...Glee is  a little darker and the petals are more pointy... StarGazer's petals curl back but not Glee's... Short little Red Lion is just blooming like crazy... all gorgeous!  

They were a big hit when we finally had our Christmas party on the 8th...  You really don't appreciate how tall they are in these pictures... just amazing... now the trick is to see if i can get them to rebloom next year... :)  I hope you've had a wonderful start to your 2025! Hugs! deb