Thursday, March 13, 2025

Viola or Johnny Jump Ups.... ?


Kathy at the Lake House has inspired me this morning with her pictures of her daffodils and Lilac buds.

So while i was out piddling around the yard i snapped some pictures of my Violas just about overflowing their pot... they were still in the shade... 

They have been so easy to grow this winter. They have withstood temps of 11F... Granted i did throw a cover over them for those two frigid nights... but a little sun and water when the soil thawed and they bounced right back... 

My Granddaughter helped me pick out some more from the Garden Center yesterday but i think i'm going to wait until the big blow tomorrow passes... 30 mph winds with 60+ gusts... um... yeah we'll wait.. 

And last but not least.... i pilfered some more seeds... lol  from the sunken garden in the middle of downtown... These.... well lets just say they were unique... they were tall ... some as tall as me or hubby... and they were like umbrellas... crazy... i looked online but the closest i could come was Aralias... ? Anyway... I do not believe they are Winter hardy... but they grew remarkable well in that sunken garden... I have knicked the seeds and have them in that wet paper towel, ziploc bag thing i did when i had such good luck with the Yucca... So i'll let you know!!! Take care and stay safe in this weather!! Hugs! deb


  1. Beautiful!! We have a lot of wild violets here in spots and I just love them so do not cut them down. I am soooo not up to cutting grass cooler next week so hopefully that will slow down the grass. Love your big pots too hugs

  2. Oh so nice to see you have flowers! We don't usually plant up here until mid-May. I love seeing all the colors. I hope your seeds grow well and tall! :)
