Friday, February 11, 2022

Chili , Art and Goats.............

We are just coming out of a deep freeze here in west ,central Texas... A good excuse to make a big pot of chili... I'm pretty sure we all have our favorite chili recipe but if your interested in mine let me know.. 
Hugging a wood burner can also keep you warm... Here's some pics of my latest project... I'am just now putting the person's name on it.  Its a Birthday present... i sure hope he likes it..  He's an 82 yr old rancher that among other animals he raises water buffalo... 

This is my first time not just burning a silhouette... This time i tried to shade etc.. I think it came out ok.. It was a learning experience for sure... Half the battle is knowing when to call it done.. Really enjoyed this though... I had no idea i was going to enjoy wood burning so much... Have you ever tried your hand at wood burnning?  I have several more projects in mind... so stay tuned!

Stock show is in town!!! Didn't they just pose so beautiful for me?? Such Sweethearts..  We took the grandlittles to see the animals.. It was a hit... The oldest Autumn(3) got to pet them and tell them all 'Goodmorning!'  lol just adorable..  Then as we were leaving she'd say 'Goodbye!' and one would 'BAaaaaa', she'd say 'Goodbye!' again and 'Baaaa' would come back to her.. It was hilarious but maybe you had to be there...Normally our stockshow and rodeo and art/craft competion are all together but for the second year now they have separated it all in hopes of keeping the crowds down....  So i don't have to worry about my art/craft entries until mid March...  I hope your having a good week.... See you soon! Hugs! deb



  1. We’ve been having a bit of a warm up. Temps the past few days in the 40s. Saturday making a run at 50! And then back to snow and cold on Sunda.y. Chili sounds like a good choice, but I have to get some ingredients in. The wood burning looks great. I’m sure it will be appreciated. I’ve never tried wood burning. Aww, cute about your granddaughter and the convo with the lambie. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Chili sounds perfect, Your wood burning piece is awesome Deb He will love it for sure. I have not tried wood burning, but I admire those that do.
    fun with grandkids-very sweet Happy weekend

  3. Haven't had chili for a while. I'll check the pantry to see if I have the makings because everyone likes it and will be a nice change. We usually have chili mac with the left overs. I used to wood burn and always really liked it. Fun learning how to use the attachment tips too. It looks like a great gift.
    xx, Carol

  4. Little ones and the animals, such a sweet combination, and it helps when the animals want attention too. I am not sure if splitting the exabits and the rodeo up like this helps or not. I am sure it has to do like you said keeping the crowds own. Chili sounds soooo good right now. Beans or no beans is the question. I like to make Frito pies on the second day. Yum may be time to put a pot on. Talk later
