Monday, September 2, 2024

My 2024 Summer Flowers.....


My flowers this year did me proud... The petunias the Granddaughters helped me pick out lasted all Summer....... up until about 2 weeks ago they finally started giving up the ghost... but with 110F temps i really did expect that... I LOVE petunias... all the different colors and SOME of them still smell... My favorite is a varigated purple one called 'Sugar Daddy' .. could not find it this year.. 

This is my first time trying to grow Marigolds... I think it came home with a case of bugs because i had trouble with that straight away...Cleared that up and it did beautifully. It too now got scorched by the hot TX sun.. 

And here is a wild volunteer... 'Devil's Bouquet'... It does beautifully with little to no help from me.. If we go a particularly long stretch without rain i will drop some leftover from my watering can on it but otherwise nothing.. Infact we had a rainy stretch here a while ago and it shriveled up and died... just too wet.. 

So there i got pictures of all my flowers before they died...I hope you enjoy them.. Happy T day everyone! I'll be around to visit... even if i'm a little slow... Hugs! deb