Monday, September 2, 2024

My 2024 Summer Flowers.....


My flowers this year did me proud... The petunias the Granddaughters helped me pick out lasted all Summer....... up until about 2 weeks ago they finally started giving up the ghost... but with 110F temps i really did expect that... I LOVE petunias... all the different colors and SOME of them still smell... My favorite is a varigated purple one called 'Sugar Daddy' .. could not find it this year.. 

This is my first time trying to grow Marigolds... I think it came home with a case of bugs because i had trouble with that straight away...Cleared that up and it did beautifully. It too now got scorched by the hot TX sun.. 

And here is a wild volunteer... 'Devil's Bouquet'... It does beautifully with little to no help from me.. If we go a particularly long stretch without rain i will drop some leftover from my watering can on it but otherwise nothing.. Infact we had a rainy stretch here a while ago and it shriveled up and died... just too wet.. 

So there i got pictures of all my flowers before they died...I hope you enjoy them.. Happy T day everyone! I'll be around to visit... even if i'm a little slow... Hugs! deb


  1. Beautiful flowers Deb, I love petunias and marigolds I also love zinnias too which bring in the butterflies. they look pretty nice considering all the high temps there hugs

  2. Your flowers look great Deb. Especially in those cool pots. And i'm with you about petunias. They're easy to grow and keep flowering. I hope it's cooled off and if not, it'll cool off soon. Happy T day Deb.

  3. I loved my petunias this summer, too. They also gave up the ghost a couple of weeks ago...but from being drowned--lol! :)

  4. I’m also thinking that the flowers in our yard don’t have much more time to be beautiful… Amazingly they all survived our vacation.
    best, mae at

  5. I used to plant marigolds with my tomatoes. I should do that again next year.

    I love the pots you chose. They are are really neat. Thanks for sharing your flowers with us for T this Tuesday, dear Deb.

  6. Beautiful flowers! They are extra special as your granddaughters helped pick them out ☺️. They all look so pretty in those stylish terracotta pots. Those french marigolds remind me of my dad, he always had them in his garden ❤️. Wishing you a very Happy September! Hugs, Jo x

  7. Dear Deb, I also really like petunias and their smell! This year, however, I didn't have any (I simply forgot to buy some and here they don't survive the winter. From your lines, I gather that this doesn't work in TX either - I thought it works in warmer countries...)
    It's a shame that your beautiful flowers, the ones you bought and the wild ones, have already died, but at least you immortalized them in photographs...
    Have you had enough rain? Here in our part of Austria, there are currently severe weather warnings and a high chance of flooding. (However, the rivers are relatively far away from our house, so our chances are pretty good...)
    I hope your hubby is well again now!
    Hugs and all the best, Traude
