Friday, April 15, 2022

Curious Fridays


Hubby made sure i learned something new this week.... lol  I had a class on how to pull huge nails out of boards... First you take the claw hammer and pull the nail upright... then you pound it back in the wood.. When you 've done all the nails in piece of wood you flip it over... and use a crowbar/nailpuller to pull out the nail and Ta Daaa you have an almost new piece of wood to use.. And i got to practice it over and over and over and..... lol Did you learn anything new this week? Hugs! deb


  1. awesome. and I think it is always wonderful to work with our husbands-when they let us haha
    I am playing with watercolor paints and inks today and I did learn how to store the ink so it will not dry out and keep longer.

  2. No new tricks this week for this old dog. 🐶

  3. I can't believe that with all the remodeling you two have done you just learned how to take names out of boards, lol. Well, I learned how to level the RV!
    xx, Carol
