Saturday, April 16, 2022



There are two more rooms in the house to show you... The 2nd bath and Hubby's Office... Not much to look at.. a bathroom and a room with a desk.. lol But , i have been working outside in the yard, before noon in the morning and again around 7pm when the heat and sun are bearable... Above are the rocks we hauled from a friend's ranch... Lots of plans for them and plans to get more rock.. 

This is what i worked on yesterday... Lots of figuring out what rock goes where..  Then i have to dig them down a little to help them stand upright.. Dig up that grass and weeds that are trying to grow.. Lay weedcloth and we haven't decided on rock or mulch on top.. Mulch would be easier to handle and plant in and less expensive but i'm not convinced mulch wouldn't just blow away around here.. Most people around here seem to use rock.. Maybe for good reason.. 

Taking it all the way around to the front door.. The rocks get smaller as you get closer to the front door. I want to get some store bought stepping stones to set the bench on so it sits level.. 

This is right by the front door.. From this area up to the bench stays in shade all day. I hope to have fun with shade loving plants that will come back every year.. I'm thinking hosta... fern.. there's a faucet nearby so i can easily water things here.. But this section we have to put up some gutter because when it does rain(which feels like never right now) Alot of water collects here.. 

          While i was out there the sun was setting... 

And the moon was rising.........beautiful time to be outside.. 

                              Send Rain..... The rancher friend of ours says he's giving it until June... No rain and he has to start selling off his cattle and buffalo and goats etc... Just can't afford to keep feeding them.. As it is now he's out there feeding them hay and feed every day... There just no food out in the fields.. So if you have an over abundance of rain please send it our way! Hope your having a beautiful weekend! Happy Easter to those who celebrate. Hugs! deb


  1. Wow you have a pretty hefty project there with the rocks. I think rocks are a good thing, they fit it naturally and No grass-love that haha.
    That's not good no rain-hoping your area gets some soon that would be difficult. I remember one summer when we first moved to Missouri we went a whole summer with no rain-couldn't believe that. Loved your sunset hugs Kathy

  2. We have that rain situation here too. Corey has 30 acres down the road where he keeps Scottish Highland cattle. We have 21 head right now and he is toting water down there for them. We tried to put a well there. Last year we had a guy come out and say where the best place to drill was. He mapped 12 places. The well driller left due to other commitments. He just came back to drill a few weeks ago. 650 feet and dry as a bone and capped off. We could have bought another 30 acres for what that cost. Anyway, we want rain too. Your place looks pretty rural. Do you expect more houses to go up?
    Happy Easter.
    xx, Carol

  3. That is a big project, but will look so nice. Your house is beautiful and the sunset, moonrise pics are gorgeous. I hope you get some rain soon.
