Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Food Wednesday.... Balance..


Hubby and i are trying to balance all this yummy food.. Chicken Fried Steak with mashed potatoes and gravy and green beans...  with 

             ... A grilled chicken salad lunch..... 

.... And oatmeal breakfast.... How's your balance?Happy Food Wednesday! I may be running a little late but i'll be around to see your Food posts..! Hugs! deb


  1. Hmmm, looks good! Here so-so. Ingo is into fruit, too sweet for me! Oh! But you reminded me, I have a roll! Brekkie-problem solved, thank you! I nearly forgot about that!

  2. Hi Deb, not late at all, I posted early yesterday your food looks delicious, when we would go out to eat-years before covid and moving to the lake-we would go to a restaurant that served huge chicken fried steak sandwiches-Larry would always get one. I should try making that one day. I love oatmeal for breakfast Happy Food Wednesdays and thank you for linking up

  3. That looks so good Deb. I haven't done any inspired cooking lately so my food post isn't very exciting compared to so many other people's food this week. I do try to balance my food, including my serving size, but I've always battled with my weight. Happy middle of the week. hugs-Erika

  4. A balance meal is one cookie in one hand, and chocolate in the other 😉

  5. Oh my ..... the chicken fried steak and mashed taters look so yummy! ☺

  6. That looks mighty nice. I would immediately tuck into the chicken salad. And your oatmeal looks delicious. I'm not sure I'd try the fried chicken. Not my cup of tea.

  7. The fried chicken looks quite nice, but I would have it without the gravy - I'm not big on gravy. At home we don't eat that much meat, beef perhaps once a month and it has to be pasture raised and organic. We like chicken, but also not too often. We mostly eat vegetarian dinners and we love pasta. Breakfast is dark bread and lunch usually bread as well or leftovers. Don't forget the chocolate!

  8. I eat ONE meal a day, but that chicken fried steak looks good even to this vegetarian. Now I am really hungry. Maybe I'll have a midnight snack.

  9. We are vegetarians so we have to make sure we get lots of protein from other sources than meat. We do eat eggs and fish though so that helps. Luckily there are more and more plant based products to choose from too.
