Sunday, September 4, 2022

T stands for Many Things ....

 .... And not least of which is RAIN!!! We've had RAIN!!!  Can you believe it? I hardly believe it.. Its been so long.. At least 4 months or better since we've had anything substantial ... And not just one rain shower... SEVERAL over several days.. almost rain overload..  But i seriously doubt you would find one person complaining around here..  it tends to be either feast or famine when it comes to rain in TX.. Its been so wet .. hubby couldn't play golf... okay all together now... ' Aaaawwww.... '... lol I don't know what your talking about .. i did not roll my 

The flowers are happy...  Now it may look like my camera blew up the colors on this picture but i kid you not they are THIS bright and colorful ! This is called Pride of Barbados.. and i definitely want some in my yard.. They are a bush and die back to the ground in Winter but come back every year a little bit bigger..  Once they start blooming they bloom all Summer.. drought tolerant.. Checks all the boxes for me..  This one is in the Towns Sunken Gardens.. I took more photos i'll share another day.. 

Hubby built a set of doors out in his shop to block off a portion of it for storage.. No need to cool or heat that part.. We decided he needed some windows in it so he could see if he had turned the light off back there... The black metal in the windows are TX stars and they came off an old set of chairs.. Hubby was going to rebuild the chairs but decided they made better windows! 

I made magnetic frogs!! I have a frog punch and wondered if it would punch through a thin sheet of magnet i have.. and it did!! i then painted it with pearl green and a little Glossy Accents on top.. and taa daa!! it sticks to my frig!! 

Loved it so much i  made several... not sure if i'll do more.. Its a little hard on my punch.. not sure how long it will last.. 

We finally got around to cleaning and straightening our garage... Wow! Look at all that room!! Now we can pull our truck in especially incase of bad weather.. hail etc.. 

I could show you lots more from the week but i know you've got people to meet and places to be.. and partying to do over there at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's.. so i'll let you go after showing you my cup of coffee... just look through the flowers. Thats where i sit when i visit everyone for T.. I'll be around to visit!! Big Hugs! deb


  1. Your rain is expected to blow up here today and tomorrow. Much needed as we're in drought, too. Your hubby is very clever, those windows look awesome. Very cute, little frogs. Looks like you have a nice spot to have your coffee. Happy T Day

  2. I still don't have my T Tuesday post finished and you have completed yours, cleaned a garage, punched some cute frog magnets, and had a wonderful time finding flowers and plants to plant in your garden next year. And then you even made coffee and joined us for T this week, dear Deb. Thanks for sharing your week with us and for T, too. I missed you last week, dear.

    1. Checked on this flower pride of barbados-it might work here as an annual but it prefers zones 8 or 9 where it will grow into a shrub. hummingbirds love the flowers

  3. Good morning, Good news with the rain-I was hoping it would pour here yesterday to get the crazies off the lake haha no such luck-it was soooo bad out there that I pulled the blinds over the wall of windows. hopefully today will be the last of it til next May.
    I loved those first flowers am going to save the name and look for them for next year. Loved the new windows, and your frogs are sooo adorable-hugs. Happy new week ahead-hugs from the lake

  4. Yay for the rain! Great doors - a creative hubby like you! Love the frogs and the flowers. I know you are proud of that clean garage - we need to do ours one day too. Happy T-day, Deb.

  5. Those frogs are just too cute. No wonder you made another and another after making the first one. Rain? I'll have to look that word up in the dictionary. It has been so long since I've experienced any. As always, your creativity (and your husbands as well ) is inspiring.

  6. Lucky you for having that rain, we desperately need it as well. I so understand that the flowers are happy - that Pride of Barbados looks gorgous. Such brilliant colors. It probably makes a great focal point in a garden. Great that it is drought tolerant as well. Happy T day!

  7. Those little frogs look like a great fridge decoration. We have a real frog that's been sitting on our porch -- sometimes back porch, sometimes front. Even the llive ones are cute.

    best... mae at

  8. "Feast or famine" has been the exact phrase I've been using about some of the weather stories I've been hearing. Rain, just as much as needed when needed, is a wonderful thing :) I love those little frogs. I admire your garage. I've been slowly but surely "doing" my garage, since summer is over but it's still not too cold. It's quite an undertaking! Coffee in front of a window sounds nice. Happy T Tuesday!

  9. love your frog magnets, they are so cute. I guess you could probably use the rain if you haven't had it for so long but we have so much I am tired of it lol Those red flowers are incredibly bright! Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  10. What a lovely place to sit to have tea and visit us. I have a tea pot punch; I wonder if it would punch through any magnet sheet I have. Love your frogs, Deb. You should get your napkins any day now. :) Happy T Day!

  11. It's been raining in the North East as well-very grateful for it! I loved your post and those flowers are just beautiful!

  12. So glad to hear you got rain - we are still waiting for some. It's just so dry it's terrible. Our birch tree is already dropping leaves. Love that bush! I doubt it would survive in Canada but it is beautiful.
