Tuesday, December 20, 2022

T stands for ...........Squeamish photo at the end......


..............incase your one of the few who don't know... last week not 5 minutes after i linked up with the T party hubby walked in the back door saying.. 'We need to go to the Hospital'.. not words i like to hear... He had tried to cut his fingers off with a power tool... sigh.. So three hours , 12 stitches, one broke finger later it looked like this.. He's doing good.. honestly didn't bleed much...Could have been so much worse.  He has an appt with some kind of hand specialist tomorrow.. 

You don't think this slowed him down any do you? It may have curbed his golf passion.. for now.. but if you look close you can see his bandaged right hand.. 

And for a touch of Christmas, this is a completed project of hubby's that he finished before the hand incident. He saw this on YouTube and gave it a try.. I think it came out really cool and once we get too old to mess with a Christmas tree i can see this becoming our Christmas tree..  I plan to paint it green . The gold animals are there because i just finished painting them gold and had no where to put them since we didn't put a tree up this year.. Thought they looked cool there..lol 

I found this photo in my phone while attempting to clean out some on there..  My daughter sent it to me when she saw this awesome display.. I want one...lol 

And finally my ticket to the party... Hubs and i don't drink but chocolate will draw my attention every time.. lol I hope your having a great week leading up to Christmas.. Except for hubs finger its been a very quite season for us this year.. no decorations.. no family over.. might sound a little disappointing... but it really depends on your perspective ... I've had many different kinds of Holidays over the years... last year we had two little kiddos running around..  i do miss them but i think we can take a quiet Christmas in stride. I hope your Christmas is just what you were looking for.. Now..... if your not squeamish... you can scroll down if you want a look at hub's finger before the bandaging but after the stitching.. I realize it may not be for all.. so i'll put it down below.. Hugs! deb













  1. Oh yes I see, he was lucky he didn't cut them off completely. Still nasty though and probably throbbing. Love your wooden tree, I have two wooden trees this year since I can't put up the regular tree due to cat issues, and I have a friend in Holland who also made a wooden tree, so maybe we can start a trend! Love those frogs too! Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  2. I love your wooden tree Deb, will look awesome once you paint it-your husband was very lucky for sure, hoping the healing process goes well and no need of operations.
    wow that looks like something I would buy to have around-a chocolate beer-friends would love to try it. Happy T and Merry Christmas hugs

  3. Good luck with healing! And have a great Christmas.

    best… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    PS COuldn’t look at the last photo!

  4. Good thing he wasn't successful in cutting them off completely, even though he tried hard... Gosh, doesn't that hurt like hell? He created a beautiful wooden "tree", it looks fabulous and it would be a fantastic replacement for a real Christmas tree. We don't have a Christmas tree, we don't really "do" Christmas anymore, we don't give each other presents except to our daughter. I'm quite glad not to have all the Christmas hectic, I'm busy enough with my shop and the school. Have a lovely and peaceful Christmas, Deb.

  5. Oh my goodness, I just couldn't look as I'm so squeamish I would have probably been sick! I was so sorry to hear about your hubby and I do hope that he is recovering well ☺️. So pleased he's still in his workshop creating despite his accident. Those frogs made me smile! Happy T Day wishes and Happy Holidays! Hugs Jo x

  6. I'm so glad Hubster's injury wasn't much worse. That is one awesome tree he made. Very cool. We had my family over 2 weekends ago to see Santa zoom by in the fire truck. My nephews littles loved it. Himself's family will be having their annual gathering the second weekend of January, weather permitting. Christmas decorations were pared down this year. No breakables because of the kitties, though they have been very good. Christmas and New Year's Eve will be quiet, the 3 of us. I like quiet holidays. No fuss. No dressing up. Happy T Day and Merry Christmas

  7. That is going to hurt for a long time as it heals. Brought me right back to ripping my middle fingertip almost off in a machine at a job back in the 90s. The meat flipped up to show me the bone of my fingertip. Not something I care to see again thank you very much. I healed up and I even have feeling in it--which they didn't think I might have. I hope his fingers heal as well.

    Love the tree he made. Have a really good Christmas. No more accidents!! :)

  8. Your poor husband. He is lucky it wasn't worse! I cut a finger like this when I was about 5 and my Mother threw out the cut off portion. They made her go back and get it. They sewed it back and it has been fine since - just a little numb. Interesting and creative project. I like that porter. Merry Christmas and Happy T-day. Hugz

  9. Ouch. Your husband's finger looks tender. I'm glad it didn't bleed a lot. But his wooden "Christmas tree" is really amazing. He's a very talented artist too, isn't he? And I like those frogs too. One of the plants I brought in from outside this past fall has some kind of frog or toad living in it. I still can't find him, but he calls out every few days or so. Good things there's some bugs in the house so he can eat. Have a Merry Christmas Deb and hope it was a good T day too. hugs-Erika

  10. Sorry to be late again. I started this two hours ago and got called away by a late night phone call. Your husband is really lucky. I saw the bandaged hand AND the not yet bandaged hand. I see nothing is slowing him down, at least not in the shop.

    I am in LOVE with that tree. I only have tabletop trees, and I even have a spot where I could put it. It is wonderful and beautiful.

    To my limited knowledge, I've never had Porter beer, but the chocolate sounds delicious. Thanks for sharing your husband's fingers, the frogs, and the chocolate beer with us for T this Tuesday, dear Deb.

    Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas.

  11. Wow, so glad it was only the tips that were cut but it still looks awful. But I love the Christmas tree out of wood that he made. Very cool!
    Enjoy your quite Christmas. It sounds relaxing!
    Happy Belated Tea Day and A Merry Christmas,

  12. Oh, poor hubby! But the tree is unique, and I can see you using it, too. Our Christmas will be quiet, too as all the wind chill warnings have induced our daughter and family to postpone their trip until after Christmas. But we will see them soon! We did decorate, but wouldn't have if they hadn't been coming. :)
    So, Happy T Day, Deb, and Merry Christmas.
