Did you ever have one of those weeks where there's not alot going on but you got alot done? Well T partiers lets begin with the fairies.... Aren't they pretty in their glassine envelopes? They came out beautiful and Glossy Accents was just the right thing to use to cover everything including glitter just right.. I would highly recommend it.. anytime you need a clear hard finish on something.. I have quite alot of these envelopes in different sizes if anyone would like some to play with.... Someone gifted them to me and i'd love to share..
Before i forget here's my ticket for the T party! Yes its still HOT and yes its still DRY... and every day for the foreseeable forecast is just more of the same.. Makes one wonder what it is going to take to break this cycle.. Hubby seems to think its going to be a very bad storm.. Lets hope he's wrong..
I camped out on the floor of the craftroom several days this past week..( Of one thing i'am sure.. I'am too old for THAT!) I was taping off areas of the Fish Painting and using a toothbrush to 'flick' paint to look like sand..
Not the best photo but this is what i achieved... Still tweaking it.. And last but not least........ I used to love to swap PostCards ... Infact if you look carefully a few of you may recognize a PostCard or two you sent me over the years.. I hang them all on my wall .. and they are just a lovely bright spot in my house.. Valerie recently sent me an envelope with some diecuts of the 'Man with the Umbrella'.. and a few others.. (THANK YOU AGAIN Valerie!! ) And sent along a beautiful card she made..
Which is now up on my wall.. Do you see it Valerie?? For everyone else.. its the one with the bicycle... ! Just beautiful! Some of you may remember Krisha? and Eileen from our T party.. Their cards are up there too.. Kathy from Hummingbird Studios has just said she would like to swap PostCards now and then . This is going to be SO much fun!! Have a great week everyone!! Happy happy T day!! See you soon! Hugs! deb